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Art of Natural History, Recommended Reading

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I teach a course on the art of natural history through the Peabody Museum of Natural HIstory, the PA Academy of the Fine Arts, and the Pyramid Atlantic Center. Registration is open to all.

These are just a few of my favorite books on natural history. PLEASE support your local bookstore whenever possible.

The Great Naturalists, edited by Robert Huxley, pub. Thames and Hudson

Invention of Nature; Alexander von Humboldt's New World, by Andrea Wulf, pub. by Knopf

Under a Wild Sky: John James Audobon and the Making of Birds of America, by William Souder, pub. by North Point Press

David Attenborough: Amazing Rare Things, Owens, Clayton, and Alexandratos, pub. by Kales Press

Images of Nature; The Bauer Brothers, Paul M. Cooper, pub. by Natural History Museum

A Garden Eden: Masterpieces of Botanical Illustration, ed. by Walter Lack, pub. by Taschen

Explorers of the Amazon, by Anthony Smith, pub. by Viking

Naming Nature, Carol Kaesuk Yoon, pub. by Norton

Discovering the Mammoth, by John McKay, pub. by Pegasus books

Maria Sibylla Merian, by S. Pomeroy and J. Kathirithamby, publ by Getty Publications

Great American Hall of Wonders, Claire Perry, pub. by Giles

Charles Willson Peale and his World, by E. Richardson, B. Hindle, and L. Miller, pub. by Abrams


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