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Crafts for Kids with Found Materials: Mondays at 4 pm

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I've started an online craft for kids class to get us all through the quarantine. We use materials found around the house. Join mailing list for zoom code to join class. Fee is voluntary, because many of us are facing financial uncertainty and art can give us all some relief. If you're able to make a donation, it's much appreciated. If not, just help a neighbor.

You can use food cartons, recycled paper, office paper, or magazine pages to get started. 


Step One:

draw this to the best of your ability onto a sheet of paper or tear a food carton apart at the seams and draw this on the unprinted side. The black lines will get cut, the yellow/dotted lines with get folded. You can cut out the eyes, nose, and mouth with an exacto knife, or cut in from the sides and tape it back together.


Step Two:

Fold along the dotted lines. The outer edges will get taped or glued to the front of the mask.

Step 3: Cut along the heavy lines, fold on the dotted/yellow lines

Step 4: Once the panels are folded along the edges, tape or glue them in place.

Step 5. Fold the nose down the center. Fold the tabs on the side under and tape or glue into position.

Step 6:

Add anything at all to your mask. Example on the right includes hair made of a blue shopping bag, which was cut and outlined with a sharpie, a mustache made from the bag handle, and magazine pages torn for collaging the face.

Step three:

cut and fold the brow. Any shape can be folded and added to the mask. You just need to cut tabs along the edge that can be folded and pasted down, so give yourself an extra 1/4 inch along the edge that you want to adhere.

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